Pipeline Safety and Integrity: Key Insights and Requirements


Understanding the Pipes Act and Hydrotesting Mandates

Ensuring the integrity of pipelines, particularly those transporting hazardous materials, is crucial for public and environmental safety. Section 104 of The Pipes Act of 2020 and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Pipeline Safety Enhancement Program (PSEP) of 2020 outline stringent guidelines for maintaining pipeline safety. If there are issues with ILI runs or the MAOP certification needs to be updated, hydrotesting is an option that can be used.

Key Requirements for Hydrotesting under PSEP 2020

  1. Pressure Testing for Older Pipelines
    Older pipelines, particularly those constructed before 1970 without sufficient testing records, must undergo hydrotesting. The test pressures must exceed the Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) by a specified margin to verify the pipeline's strength.
  2. Test Pressure and Duration
    Hydrotesting requires pipelines to be tested at a pressure of at least 1.25 times the MAOP for a minimum duration of 8 hours, ensuring that any potential weaknesses are detected.
  3. Public and Environmental Safety
    PHMSA mandates that hydrotesting be conducted with minimal risk to the public and environment, using non-hazardous liquids as the test medium and implementing safety measures to prevent spills or contamination.
  4. Periodic Re-Testing
    Pipelines in High Consequence Areas (HCAs) or those exposed to risks like corrosion or ground movement may require periodic re-testing to ensure ongoing safety.
  5. Repair and Remediation
    Any pipeline sections that fail hydrotesting must be repaired or replaced. Operators must submit a remediation plan to address deficiencies found during testing.


Adhering to these stringent testing and documentation standards, particularly for older pipelines, is essential for reducing the risk of failures and ensuring the safety of both the public and the environment.

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